
Sunday, November 20, 2016

John Rice

Artist Appreciation

I joined my girlfriend to Florida to visit her family, in September. They live in the small town of Live Oak, which is about halfway between Tallahassee and Jacksonville.

After spending the day with the family, we decided to explore downtown--the intersection of Howard Street and Ohio Avenue. Although a small town, the city's center does offer numerous restaurants.

My girlfriend was looking for a gazebo she remembered from a previous visit to Live Oak. We were feverishly in search of this spot to spend a romantic moment or two.

Finally, we found our answer as to the location of the gazebo at an art gallery. Hanging on a display stand, there it was, a painting of the gazebo.

Knowing that I appreciate art, my girlfriend noticed that the doors to the gallery were unlocked. I looked in and around curiously, and we walked in.

A gentleman appeared from the back of the gallery tinkering with a lamp device. Since it was 8:00 in the evening, I apologized and asked if they were closed. The gentleman responded kindly and said he was just there temporarily but we could look around.

We discussed art, and I found out that many of the paintings in the gallery were done by him. Then I asked about the gazebo painting. He indicated that the gazebo use to be at the Veterans Memorial Park, which is a corner block from the gallery. He too, however, didn't know where it was moved.

I noticed my girlfriend was disappointed of the missing gazebo. I decided to purchase the painting as a remembrance of our search of the gazebo.

You can read more about this extraordinary artist, John Rice, HERE and see more of his work HERE.

Park Live


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