
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Live Austin Music

Music Appreciation (A Retrospect)

After a school trip to Dallas, three of us guys decided to stay in Austin for a couple of nights.  What I recall from that experience was hanging out with my good old friend, driving around town, listening to Stevie Ray Vaughan--God bless his soul--and visiting the numerous strip joints nightclubs.

I was in my early twenties and months from graduating from college.  I had visited many places that I fell in love with such as Singapore, Hong Kong, and D.C.  I was searching for a place I could find a future and develop as a person while enjoying the surrounding.  Austin became that place for me.

I can't say I came to Austin solely for the music.  The music came to me a few years later.  Actually, it came a bit too late, I think. 

Although, I did know who Stevie Ray Vaughan was before I got to Austin.  As many others, he became my favorite.  While driving around town with my maltese dog, we would listen to Pride and Joy and Crossfire.  Soon enough, we found a local alternative rock station, 101X, who introduced us to local bands such as Fastball, Vallejo, and David Garza.

A few years later, my wife (then girlfriend) introduced me to her favorite, Bob Schneider's Lonelyland album.  Bob Schneider which was synonymous to Austin Live Music, soon became my favorite.  Yes, I said it, I enjoy Bob Schneider.

But what I was missing was the roots of Austin music.  Bob Willis?  Okay, that's a bit too far down the root.  I was thinking more like Willie Nelson, Asleep at the Wheel and Lyle Lovett

Within the following years living in Ausitn, I began listening to the Austin greats.  But besides these fantastic music artists, there is another genre that I have since witnessed over the past few years.  They are those music artists who play a major role in defining Austin Live Music and making it the Live Music Capital of the World

I met a guy at work who introduced me to his music selection--Tejano with a blend of Texas Country, instrumental rock, bluegrass, and true-Austin music.  Soon we became friends and I was fortunate to be invited to a reunion party he hosted at his backyard where bands that were once under his record label performed... free.

Below are some photos I took of the bands that performed at what I have called "BruceFest 2010." 

The Highwaymen (Loose Diamonds)

The Highwaymen (Loose Diamonds)

Ivan Brown and the Low Brow
Ivan Brown and the Low Brow

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