This blog appreciates all forms of art.
Content on this blog may not be suitable for all readers. Most entries are for 18+ audience and some post are NSFW.
From the Last artist died today album, UK artist and musician Dean Omori's Kitchen Philosophytouches on politics, religion, and society with strong lyrics such as "Where's the love of a good man, What were the crimes you saw, Shoot em in the back if they don't follow orders, Shoot em in the front if they obey your law."
Day O, or The Banana Boat Song, is a traditional Jamaican folk song about dock workers working at night loading bananas onto ships before daylight. The song was made popular byHarry Belafontein the 1950s.
The calypso song regained popularity in the 1980s with the movie Beetlejuice.
Where I was in 1988? I was about 12 or 13 when the movie came out. I recall going to the movie theater with friends to watch it. Soon after the movie, I remember going to Wal-Mart and purchasing the soundtrack.
I found myself starting my blog with "my wife" did such and such. Perhaps I should change it a bit, huh?
My wife After several weeks in Honolulu, Hawaii, the one I committed my life to came home and decided to make our home more festive--you know, more season-related. Her first night back home she wanted to visit Michaels, the crafts store. Don't get me wrong, I love that store. In fact, if we were both retired and had a good amount of money, my wife and I could make a living making crafts.
This blog, however, isn't about the future and crafts. It's about my wife's nature to make her nest look welcoming.
When I met my wife, I fell in love with her personality. She loved making things perfect. And to me everything she made was that. Since we were dating, she made life festive to the season even if we had no money. She made the occasion, period.
So it comes to no surprise that she wanted to make wreaths for Thanksgiving.
Below are what she created for our indoor closet door and outside front door.
In 1997, I recall watching this Volkswagen commercial and tilting my head with confusion. As a Communications major, I thought that the commercial was a bit too--how should I put it--odd.
I then found myself wanting to watch it again and again. Before Youtube, the only way to catch a commercial was to wait. At times, I would tell my friends or parents to quiet down, turn the volume up to listen to the commercial.
I think the advertisement was effective since I wanted a VW Golf so bad. I think I even begged my father to buy a VW Golf.
The song originates from a band from Großenkneten, Germany called Trio. Below is the music video for Da da da. Notice the Casio miniature keyboard the lead singer is holding. That is the keyboard he uses for the song's melody.
Whip It came out in 1980. Like many other kids my age at the time, I liked the beat. I didn't think much of their attire; although their Power Dome headgear was pretty cool. Nor did I care what they were portraying in the video; although, I read that people had issues with its portrayal of women.
It wasn't until way after I was a teen when I became aware of the lyrics and its meaning. Personally, I thought it was a song about sex. Not so, according to Devo songwriter, Gerald Casale; his lyrics were inspired by Thomas Pynchon's writings. The lyrics tell of a persons struggle to overcome hardtimes. The idea for the sadomasochistic-like music video came from a 1960s magazine Casale read where a guy would invite people to watch him whip his wife's cloths off.
Bjarke Ingels and his BIG Architect firm created an amazing spiral-shaped structure for cyclists to ride through and where visitors can have a picnic. The structure is also the new home to Denmark's iconic statue--The Little Mermaid.
The Danish Pavilion was build in preparation for the Shanghai 2010 World Expo.
You can find more information about this breathtaking structure here, here, and here.
Sources: PM Network, August 2010;; big.