
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Trump-tastic: His Never-Ending Reality Show

Pardon the Interruption

I've been following Donald Trump, and trust me, it's been a never-ending ride. Picture this: little me, boarding the Trump Shuttle from New York to Washington, DC with my dad. He'd use Trump's entrepreneurial spirit as a classroom lesson. Fast forward, I was a die-hard fan of The Apprentice, watching contestants tackle business challenges. Then came Celebrity Apprentice, where B and C-list celebs duked it out for Trump’s amusement.

In 2011, Comedy Central roasted Trump. I chuckled a bit, cringed a lot, especially thanks to The Situation from Jersey Shore. It subtly revealed Trump's disdain for being the butt of jokes. Leading up to the 2016 election, Comedy Central re-aired the roast on repeat, perhaps trying to humanize him. And it worked. A chunk of America fell for his unfiltered style. His presidency saw a loyal base, though many moderate Republicans secretly rolled their eyes.

When Trump lost the 2020 election, you'd think he’d bow out gracefully. Nope. He relished controlling the narrative, almost pulling off a government coup on January 6th. Like a snake charmer, he spewed words that kept his followers hooked. The far-right fringe loves this because if Trump returns, their extreme policies might see the light of day. Forget about blowing up the Constitution for one political ideology; there's a better way to make changes, through elections.

Tonight, two old-timers will debate. Both have held the presidency, both are old. Pundits have picked sides. The Trump camp, with right-wing media’s help, is setting up Biden as a drug-fueled debate wizard, while Trump plays the “common man” card. Fun fact: the so-called billionaire still begs for donations from your eccentric aunts and uncles to fund his legal and campaign bills. Why people send money to a billionaire, I'll never understand. One thing is definitely, he is no "common man."

So, grab your debate bingo cards, popcorn, and drink of choice, and enjoy the sh*t-show.


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