
Sunday, March 6, 2011

The B52's - Love Shack

Music Appreciation (A Retrospect)

"Tin roof, rusted!"  Yes, it's one phrase I had no idea what it meant but sounded cool--although, according to urban dictionary, the phrase has become to mean to become pregnant unexpectedly.  Of course, when I was 13 years old, I didn't know what "pregnant" really meant.  Let alone "unexpectedly." 

Love Shack reached popularity in all pop charts in the very late 1980s, and the phrase "tin roof" was more attributed to a cabin in Georgia where "Rock Lobster" was conceived. 

So where was I when I first heard the B-52's? I was in eighth grade and I was a geek.  Yes, a geek.  Perhaps one similar to what is portrayed in Glee.  I was not into sports.  I wasn't really into band either; although, I played a cornet (a smaller version of a trumpet).   I was into journalism; although I wasn't good at writing.  But at least I was a bit creative. 

Source: wikipedia

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